Substitution Related To Persons
One word |
Bengali Meaning |
Explanation |
Archaeologist |
প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক |
one who is interested in ancient building and relics. |
Astrologer |
জ্যোতিষী |
one who foretells thing by the stars. |
Astronomer |
জ্যোতির্বিদ |
one who studies heavenly bodies. |
Auctioneer |
নিলামকারী |
one who sells things at public auction. |
Colleague |
সহকর্মী |
A person working in the same place with another. |
Drover |
ড্রভার |
one who deals in cattle. |
Epicurean |
- |
One whose attitude is eat, drink and be merry. |
Jockey |
অশ্বব্যবসায়ী |
One versed in horsemanship |
Philatelist |
ডাকটিকেট সংগ্রহকারী |
A person who collects stamps. |
Patriot |
দেশপ্রেমিক |
One who loves his country |
Traitor |
বিশ্বাসঘাতক |
a person who does not love this country. |
Martyr |
শহীদ |
One who sacrifice life for a noble cause. |
Emigrant, Expatriate |
প্রবাসী |
a person leaving his native country to settle there. |
Immigrant |
অভিবাসী |
A person coming to a foreign land to settle there. |
Alien/ Foreigner |
বিদেশী |
a person residing in a foreign country. |
Philanthropist |
দানকারী |
One who loves mankind. |
Misanthropist |
মনুষ্যদ্বেষী |
a person who hates mankind a hater of mankind. |
Misogynist |
নারীবিদ্বেষী |
A man who hates women. |
Feminist |
নারীবাদী |
one who works for the welfare of women. |
Imposter |
- |
one who pretends to be what he is not. |
Contemporary |
সমসাময়িক |
A person living at the same time with another. |
Predecessor |
পূর্বসূরি |
A person who was before anoher person. |
Successor |
উত্তরাধিকারী |
one who comes to be after another. |
Somnambulist |
- |
ones who walks in sleep. |
Insolvent, Bankrupt |
দেউলিয়া |
A person unable to pay debts. |
Optimist |
আশাবাদী |
A person looking only to the bright side of things. |
Usurer |
সুদখোর |
one who lends money at a very high interest. |
Janitor |
তত্ত্বাবধায়ক |
one who takes care of building. |
Pedestrian |
পথচারী |
One who goes on foot. |
Author |
লেখক |
one who writes books. |
Anthropologist |
নৃবিজ্ঞানী |
one who studies the evolution of mankind. |
Butcher |
কসাই |
One who sells meat. |
Beggar |
ভিক্ষুক |
One who lives on alms. |
Carpenter |
কাঠমিস্ত্রি |
One who makes furniture. |
Compositor |
সুরকার |
One who sets types in a priming press. |
Palmist |
গণক |
One who reads the palm. |
Fishmonger |
- |
One who deals in fish. |
Funambulist |
রজ্জুনর্তক |
One who walks on ropes. |
Journalist |
সাংবাদিক |
One who writes for the newspaper. |
Mimic |
নকল |
One who imitates the voice, gestures etc, or another. |
Pilot |
বিমানচালক |
One who files an aeroplane. |
Potter |
কুমার |
One who ales earthen posts |
Porter |
কুলি |
One who carries burden for hire |
Surgeon |
শল্যচিকিৎসক |
One who treat diseases by operation. |
Wheel Wright |
চাকা ও চাকাওয়ালা গাড়ির প্রস্তুতকারক |
One who makes wheels for carriages and carts |
Librarian |
গ্রন্থাগারিক |
a person in charge of a library. |
Mayor |
নগরাধ্যক্ষ |
the head of a town council or corporation. |
Archer |
তীরন্দাজ |
One who shoots with bows and arrows |
Exiled |
নির্বাসিত |
One who is hanished from his own country. |
Extravagant |
অসংযত |
One who spends lavishly One wire foretells events. |
Prophet |
নবীজি |
One who foretells events |
Refugee |
শরণার্থী |
One who takes refuge in a foreign country. |
Diplomat |
কূটনীতিক |
One who is skilled in dealing with people in business/politics. |
Ambassador |
রাষ্ট্রদুত |
One who is a diplomat of a government in other country |
Ambassador |
রাষ্ট্রদুত |
A political representative of the highest order from one country to another |
Reticent |
স্বল্পভাষী |
A person who is reserved in speech. |
Prostitute |
বেশ্যা |
A woman who sells her body for money |
Philanderer |
প্রেমিক |
A person who makes insincere love |
Cartographer |
মানচিত্রকার |
One who draws maps [process of making maps ] |
Cobbler |
মুচি |
A person who mends shoes |
Plumber |
সীসককর্মকার-/গ্যাস প্রভৃতির নলওয়ালা |
One who mends water pipes |
Sculptor |
ভাস্কর |
One who carves on stone/ makes statues using clay |
Architect |
স্থপতি |
Someone who designs house |
Geologist |
ভূতাত্ত্বিক |
One who studies rocks and soils/the formation of earth |
Meteorologist |
আবহাওয়াবিদ |
One who studies meteorology |
Lexicographer |
অভিধানকার |
A person who writes / complies / edits dictionary |
Linguist |
ভাষাবিদ |
A person who is skilled in foreign languages |
Novelist |
উপন্যাসিক |
One who writes novel |
Playwright |
নাট্যকার |
A person who writes plays |
Stenographer |
শ্রুতিলেখক |
A Person Who Writes Shorthand |
Curater |
অধ্যক্ষ |
A person in charge of a museum |
Malingerer |
রোগভানকারী |
One who pretends illness to escape duty |
Cosmopolitan |
বিশ্বজনীন |
One who is the citizen of the world. |
Omniscient |
সর্বজ্ঞ |
One who knows or sees everything/has unlimited knowledge |
Omnipotent |
সর্বশক্তিমান |
One who is all-powerful (all mighty, superme) |
Substitution Related To Religious Terms
One word |
Bengali Meaning |
Explanation |
Blasphemy |
ধর্মনিন্দা |
lack of respect to God and religion. |
Monotheism |
একেশ্বরবাদ |
belief in only one/single god |
Pantheism |
সর্বেশ্বরবাদ |
belief in all gods. / Belief that god exist in all natural
things. |
Theist |
আস্তিক |
One who believes in the existence of god |
Atheist |
নাস্তিক |
One who dose not believe in god |
Monotheist |
একেশ্বরবাদী |
One who believes in one god |
Polytheist |
মুশরিক |
One who believes in many gods & goddesses |
Pantheist |
সর্বদেবতার উপাসনা |
One who believes in many / all gods & goddesses |
Renegade |
ধর্মত্যাগী |
One who gives up religious faith. |
Infidel |
কাফের |
A disbeliever in religion |
Bigotry/Fanaticism |
গোঁড়ামি / ধর্মান্ধতা |
Religious intolerance/ narrow religious views. |
Iconoclasm |
মূর্তিভঙ্গ |
Breaking of religious or social images. |
Pilgrim |
তীর্থযাত্রী |
A person who undertakes a journey to a holy place (যিনি pilgrim বা তীর্থযাত্রী তিনি কোনো পবিত্র স্থানে বা holy place-এর দিকে যাত্রা করেন।) |
Pulpit |
মিম্বার |
The platform from where a priest delivers his lecture |
Idolatry |
মূর্তিপূজা |
Worshipping idols/images |
Iconoclast |
প্রতিমাভঙ্গকারী |
one who breaks idols/images |
Scripture |
ধর্মগ্রন্থ |
The holy books / writings of a particular religion. |
Substitution Related To Literary Terms
One word |
Bengali Meaning |
Explanation |
Autobiography |
আত্মজীবনী |
Writing of one's own life story |
Biography |
জীবনী |
The life account of a person |
Diary |
ডায়েরি/ দিনলিপি |
A book in which the events of each day are recorded |
Bibliography |
গ্রন্থাগার |
A list or collection of books |
Agenda |
আলোচ্যসূচি |
A list of the topics to be discussed at a meeting |
Episode |
পর্ব |
An incident in a series of incidents |
Epitaph |
সমাধিস্তম্ভে উৎকীর্ণ লিপি |
Words inscribed on a tomb |
Ledger |
খতের বহি |
A book of accounts showing debits and credits |
A maiden speech |
একট প্রথম বক্তৃতা |
First speech |
A verhose speech |
A speech full of too many words |
Extempore |
উপস্থিতমত উক্ত বা রচিত |
A speech made without previous preparation |
Directory |
নির্দেশক |
A book containing names and addresses of the persons |
Dictionary |
অভিধান |
A book that cosists of an alphabetical list of the words |
Glossary |
শব্দকোষ |
A list of special or technical words with definitions |
Encyclopaedia |
বিশ্বকোষ |
A book containing information of all subjects |
Substitution Related To Government Systems.
One word |
Bengali Meaning |
Explanation |
Autonomy |
স্বায়ত্তশাসন |
The right of independent self - government |
Democracy |
গণতন্ত্র |
A government of the people, bythe people and for the people. |
Monarchy |
রাজতন্ত্র |
A government by a king. |
Dictatorship |
স্বৈরাচার |
A government by one man who is all powerful |
Oligarchy |
গোষ্ঠীশাসন |
A government by a few/ a small group of people |
Bureaucracy |
আমলাতন্ত্র |
A government by officials |
Autocracy |
স্বৈরাচার |
A government by one man. |
Plutocracy |
ধনতন্ত্র |
Aristocracy |
অভিজাততন্ত্র |
A governament by the nobles. |
Pantisocracy |
A government in which all rule equally |
Theocracy |
ধর্মতন্ত্র |
A government by the divine guidance (church authorities) |
Secular |
ধর্ম নিরপেক্ষ |
A state where all religions are respected in nature. |
Diplomacy |
কূটনীতি |
The art practiced by the statemsen |
Meritocracy |
মেধাতন্ত্র |
Rebellion |
বিদ্রোহ |
An armed rising against a government |
Revolt |
বিদ্রোহ |
General uprising against the government |
Sovereignty |
সার্বভৌমত্ব |
The supreme power of a state. |
Mutiny |
বিদ্রোহ |
Revolt against a lawful authority. |
Coup |
অভ্যুত্থান |
A sudden, violent and illegal seizure / taking of power from government especially by (part of) an army |