Preposition ইংরেজি ভাষার একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ হাতিয়ার । এর এতই পাওয়ার যে , কোন শব্দের সাথে যুক্ত হয়ে এর অর্থ নাটকীয়ভাবে পরিবর্তন করে দেয়। উদাহরণস্বরুপ – Part from অর্থ বিদায় জানানো । কিন্তু Part এর সাথে with যুক্ত করলে এর অর্থ দাড়ায় বিতরণ করা । লক্ষ করুন শুধুমাত্র একটি Preposition যুক্ত করে আমরা একই শব্দের ভিন্ন ভিন্ন অর্থ ও ব্যবহার করতে পারি । কাজেই শুধু নিয়মাবলী মুখস্থ করে এর উপর সম্পূর্ণ দখল আনা সম্ভব নয় । আর এজন্যই প্রয়োজন Appropriate Preposition. আজ আমরা এই Appropriate Preposition এর এমন একটি তালিকা তৈরি করে দিয়েছি যা পড়লে Preposition এর উপর একটি পূর্ণ দখল আনা সম্ভব । তাছাড়া যে কোন প্রতিযোগিতামূলক পরীক্ষায় এই Appropriate Preposition এর তালিকা থেকে কমন পড়বেই ইনশাআল্লাহ । প্রত্যেকটি প্রিপজিশনের বাংলা অর্থসহ উদাহরণ তুলে ধরেছি । আশা করা যায় এটা আত্নস্থ করতে পারলে এ নিয়ে আর কোন টেনশন করতে হবে না ।

appropriate preposition with bengali Meaning & example
A | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Abhorrent to | ঘৃণা করা | Corruption is abhorrent to the honest. ( সৎ লোকের কাছে দুর্নীতি ঘৃণ্য ) |
Abide by | মেনে চলা | You should abide by the rules. |
Abound with | প্রচুর পরিমাণে থাকা | The Padma abounds with hilsha fish. |
Absorbed in | নিমগ্ন | He was absorbed in deep thought. |
Accede to | সম্মত হওয়া | I acceded to his request. |
Acceptable to | গ্রহণযোগ্য | His offer is acceptable to us. |
Access to | প্রবেশাধিকার | There is no free access to the chairmen's room. |
Account with | হিসাব | I have a savings account with Standard Chartered Bank. |
Accused of | অভিযুক্ত | He was accused of theft. |
Adhere to | লেগে থাকা | I shall adhere to my plan. |
Adjacent to | সন্নিহিত | Our house was adjacent to the river. |
Admit of | অবকাশ থাকা | Your conduct admits of no excuse. |
Afraid of | ভীত | My daughter gets afraid of the cockroach. |
Admit to | স্বীকার করা ; কবুল করা | Admit to felling ashamed of one's conduct. |
Agree to | প্রস্তাবে রাজি হওয়া | I agree to your proposal. |
Agree with | ব্যক্তির সাথে সম্মত হওয়া | He ate some seafood that did not agree with him. |
Akin to | সমজাতীয় | His assignment is akin to mine. |
Alive to | সজাগ | We should be alive to our problems. |
Allergic to | ভীষণ অপছন্দ | Lots of people are allergic to prawn. |
Angry for | কোন কাজে ক্ষুদ্ধ হওয়া | Why are you so angry for? |
Angry with | কোন ব্যক্তির সাথে রাগান্বিত | I hope you are not angry with her. |
Angry at | কোনো বিষয়ে রাগান্বিত | I am angry at your conduct. |
Antipathy to | ঘৃণা | He has an antipathy to smoking. |
Apart from | ব্যতীত | He has never been apart from his mother. |
Apathy towards | অনাগ্রহ | He has a great apathy towards his studies. |
Appear at | অংশগ্রহণ করা | I appeared at the SSC exam last year. |
Appetite for | ক্ষুধা | My brother has no appetite for food. |
Apply for | দরখাস্ত করা | I intend to apply for a job in the Accounts Department. |
Appointed to | নিযুক্ত | He appointed me to this post. |
Appointment with | সাক্ষাতের সময় | How did you get an appointment with Dr. Howard? |
Aptitude for | যোগ্যতা | I have no aptitude for music. |
Argue with | তর্ক করা | She argued with me about the marriage. |
Arrive at | পেীছানো | We arrived at his house. |
Arrive in | গন্তব্যে পেীছানো | The team arrived in Dhaka on June 6. |
Ascend from | উপরে ওঠা | He watched the mist ascending from the valley. |
Ashamed of | লজ্জিত | He is not ashamed of his mistake. |
Ask for | চাওয়া | The money we asked for was not forthcoming. |
Aspire to | উচ্চাক্ষায় তাড়িত হওয়া বা অভিকাক্ষী হওয়া | She aspires to a scientific career. |
Aspire after | কোন কিছু পাওয়ার জন্য তার পেছনে ছুটা / উচ্চাশা পোষণ করা | The ancient philosopher Plato aspired after Truth. |
Assure of | আশ্বাস দেয়া | He has assured me of safety. |
Assurance of | নিশ্চয়তা | I can give you no assurance of help. |
At lunch | দুপুরের খাবার | I was talking so much at lunch that my food went cold. |
At the bottom | নিচে | The teacher asked the students to do the exercise at the bottom of the page. |
At the fork | রাস্তার মোড় | Turn right at the first fork and go 500 yards up the road. |
At the sight of | দর্শনে | I was horrified at the sight of so much distress. |
At the weekend | সপ্তাহান্তে | Are you doing anything special at the weekend? |
Attended at | পেীছানো | He attended at the airport. |
Authority over | কর্তৃত্ব | The parents should have authority over their sons and daughters. |
B | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Bad at | অদক্ষ | I am not bad at tennis. |
Bent upon | সংকল্পবদ্ধ | He was bent upon walking the entire distance. |
Bias against | বিপক্ষে | I have no bias against late marriage. |
Blamed for | দোষী | She blamed me for practically every mistake in the report. |
Blew out | ফু দিয়ে নিভিয়ে দেওয়া; বায়ু প্রবাহের ফলে নিভে যাওয়া | I blew out the candle. |
Blind to | উদাসীন | He is blind to his son's faults. |
Boast of | অহংকার করা | Do not boast of your beauty. |
Break in | কথার মাঝে কথা বলা | It's impolite to break in when some one else is talking. |
Break into | টুকরা টুকরা করে ফেলা | He broke the jug into a hundred pieces. |
Break with | বিবাদ বা ঝগড়া | He has broken with his friend |
Break down of | ভেঙে ভেঙে বিস্তারিত লেখা | I would like a complete breakdown of these figures, please. |
Bridge over | সেতু | There is a bridge over the river. |
Brood over | চিন্তা করা | He sat there brooding over whether life was worth living. |
By heart | মুখস্থ | He learnt the poem by heart. |
C | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Catch at | আঁকড়ে ধরা | A drowning man catches at a straw. |
Cause for | কারণ | I have no cause for anxiety. |
Change into | পরিবর্তিত হওয়া | Water is changed into vapour. |
Charged with | অভিযুক্ত করা | They were charged with receiving stolen books. |
Coincide with | একই সাথে ঘটা | His statement coincides with mine. |
Combination of | সমন্বয় | The combination of Nitrogen and Glycerin creates a potent explosive. |
Compare to | তুলনা করা | He compared the heart to a pump. |
Compensate for | যোগ্য | He is competent for the post. |
Complains about | নালিশ করা | These days everybody complains about pollution. |
Comply with | সম্মত হওয়া | He readily complied with my request. |
Concerned in | কোনো বিষয়ে সংযোগ থাকা | Eight men were concerned for the plot. |
Concern for | উদ্বিগ্ন | He was concerned for his son's welfare. |
Conducive to | উপকারী | Swimming is conducive to health. |
Confident of | আশাবাদী | He is confident of success. |
Congenial to | উপযোগী | The climate is congenial to health. |
Congratulate on | অভিনন্দন জানানো | I congratulate him on his success. |
Consists in | বিদ্যমান থাকা | Happiness consists in contentment. |
Consists of | গঠিত | The school consists of five classrooms. |
Consolidate for | শক্তিশালী করা | The two companies consolidated for greater efficiency. |
Contain in | কোনো কিছুতে ধারণ করা | Five liters of milk is contained in the pot. |
Contemporary of | সমসাময়িক | Cristopher Marlowe was a contemporary of Shakespeare. |
Contrary to | বিপরীত , opposite of | He showed great enthusiasm, contrary to what his supervisor had expected. |
Control over | নিয়ন্ত্রণ | He has no control over himself. |
Count upon | নির্ভর করা | I count upon your help. |
Creep up | বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া | Prices are creeping up again. |
Cruise to | জয়লাভ করা | Graf looked awsome from as she cruised to an easy 6-2, 6-1 victory in the final game. |
D | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Deal in | ব্যবসা করা | He deals in stationery goods. |
Deal with | আচরণ করা | He deals in rice but does not know how to deal with the customers. |
Debar from | বাধা দেওয়া | Rimi was debarred from appearing at the examination. |
Delegate to | প্রতিনিধি | Mr. Mehedi welcomed the delegates to the conference. |
Depend on | নির্ভর করা | We should not depend on others. |
Depend upon | নির্ভর করা | I depended upon his word. |
Descend on | আক্রমণ করা | Armed thieves descended on the harmless travellers. |
Desist from | বিরত থাকা | He desisted from his doing this. |
Desire to | অভিলাষ | I have no desire to riches. |
Destitute of | অভাব | Officials who are destitute of sympathy do not have incentive to work hard. |
Detrimental to | ক্ষতিকর | Smoking is detrimental to health. |
Devoid of | বিহীন | He is devoid of common sense. |
Die for | কোন কিছুর জন্য জীবন উৎসর্গ করা | He died for his country. |
Die of | রোগে মারা যাওয়া | He died of cholera. |
Die in | শান্তিতে মারা যাওয়া | Let me die in peace. |
Die by | দূর্ঘটনায় মারা যাওয়া | He died by poison . |
Die from | কারণে মারা যাওয়া | He died form over-eating. |
Difficulty in | সমস্যা | I don't think you will have any difficulty in getting a driving license. |
Different from | ভিন্ন / আলাদা | My hobby is different from her hobby. |
Disappointed at | হতাশ | I was disappointed at the grades I received on my last essay. |
Discourage from | বাধা দেয়া | He discourages me from borrowing |
Dispense with | ত্যাগ করা | We dispensed with his services. |
Divide between | দুইয়ের মাঝে বন্টন করা | He divided the money between the two children. |
Dressed in | পরিহিত | The young women was dressed in rare silks. |
Drop to | নিচে নামানো , নিচু করা | He dropped his voice to a whisper. |
Dull of | বধির | You are dull of hearing. |
E | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Easy in | সরল | Our principal is easy in approach. |
Enter into | আবদ্ধ হওয়া | We have recently entered into an agreement with the Inland Co- operative Society. |
Entitled to | অধিকারী | I am entitled to a share in the profit. |
Entrust to | বিশ্বাস করে দেয়া | The children were entrusted to the care of their uncle. |
Entrust with | কোনো ব্যক্তিকে কোনো কিছুর দায়িত্ব প্রদান | Many people had entrusted the company with money they intended to use in retirement. |
Equal to | যোগ্য | He was equal to the task. |
Exclude from | বাদ দেয়া | The bad results were excluded from the report. |
Exemp from | বাধ্যবাধকতা ইত্যাদি থেকে রেহাই বা অব্যাহতি দেওয়া | He was exemted from attending the seminar. |
F | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Face with | সম্মুখীন হওয়া | He faced with difficulties. |
Fail in | ব্যর্থ হওয়া | Almost everyone fails in passing his drivers test on the first try. |
Fantasized about | কল্পনা করা | He fantasized about winning the lottery. |
Fatigued by | ক্লান্ত | I am fatigued by wide travelling. |
Fed up with | বিরক্ত | I am fed up with waiting for her to telephone. |
Find out | খুঁজে বের করা | He is always busy to find out his faults. |
Find for | কারো সপক্ষে সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়া | |
Fly with | I finally killed the fly with a rolled up newspaper. | |
For a walk | হাঁটা, হেঁটে বেড়ানো, হাঁটানো | I decided to go for a walk with my friend as I needed some exercise. |
G | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Get up | ঘুম থেকে উঠা | I always get up early is the summer. |
Get on | উঠা বা উপস্থিত হওয়া | He doesn't get on with his daughter. |
Get through | কঠোর সময় অতিক্রম করা; কাউকে কল করা | We couldn't get through a day without arguing. |
Get into | মিশে যাওয়া | When rivets flood their banks, the calcium gets into the soil. |
Give in to | বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা | The government gave in to the demands of the people. |
Good at | দক্ষ | I am not good at translation. |
Good with | যে কোনো বিষয় ভালোভাবে সামলানো | He is very good with children. |
Go on | চলতে থাকা | My friend always goes home on foot. |
Guilty of | অপরাধী | He was guilty of contempt of court. |
H | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Hankers after | আকাঙ্ক্ষা করা | An honest man never Hankers after riches. |
Heart of | অন্তঃস্থল | In my heart of heart I deplored his obstinacy. |
Hinges upon | নির্ভর করা | Everything hinges upon what happens next. |
Hope for | কোনো কিছুর জন্য আকাঙ্ক্ষা থাকা | He has every hope for success. |
I | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Impute to | অন্যায়ভাবে দায়ী করা | Do not impute motives to him. |
Indispensable to | অত্যাবশ্যকীয় | Honesty is indispensable to success. |
Inform of | খবর দেয়া | Who informed the police of the matter |
Inferior to | হীন / নিচু | Rabina is inferior to Romena. |
Innocent of | নির্দোষ | He is innocent of the charge. |
Inquiry into | খতিয়ে দেখা | The principal had an inquiry into the case. |
Insist on | জেদ করা | He insisted on seeing her. |
In spite of | সত্ত্বে ও | Inspite of the delay he arrived on time. |
Interest at | খেলাধুলায় আগ্রহ | He has interest at cricket. |
interest in | আগ্রহ | My brother has no interest in music. |
Interest for | কোন বিষয় সম্পর্কে অধিক জানার আগ্রহ | |
Interfere with | হস্তক্ষেপ করা | 'I never interfere with my grown up children,' Mrs. Chowdhury. |
Introduce to | পরিচিত করানো | Wordsworth introduced the readers to a new kind of poetry. |
J | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Jeer at | টিটকারি দেয়া, ঠাট্টা করা | Do not jeer at the girl. |
K | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Key to | চাবিকাঠি | Industry is key to success. |
Know about | জানা | I know nothing about the matter. |
L | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Laugh at | উপহাস করা | Do not laugh at the poor. |
Learnt of / about | শেখা / জানতে পারা | The more she learnt about the American civil war, the more fascinated with it she became. |
Liable to | আইনগত বাধ্য বা দায়ী | Trespassers will be liable to prosecution. |
Liberate in | মুক্ত হওয়া | Bangladesh was liberated in 1971. |
Liking for | পছন্দ | He has a liking for cricket. |
Lit with | আলোকিত | Now-a-days many villages are lit with Electricity. |
Live beyond | (one's means) | The intellectual can no longer be said to live beyond the margins of society. |
Look through | বার বার পড়ে দেখা; পরীক্ষা করা | |
Look on/upon | বিশেষ দৃষ্টিকোণ থেকে দেখা | |
Look to | কোনো ব্যাপারে সাবধান হওয়া | |
M | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Monument to | স্মৃতিভাস্কর্য | The monument to our left is a popular tourist attraction. |
Make something from or out of something | কোন দ্রব্য থেকে অন্য একটি দ্রব্য উৎপাদন করা | |
Marry to | বিয়ে করা বা বিবাহিত হওয়া | |
Marry off | বিয়ে দেয়া | |
N | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Name after | কারো নামের সাথে মিলিয়ে নাম রাখা | He is named after his father. |
Necessities for | প্রয়োজনীয়তা | In space, the primary necessities for survival are air, food and water. |
Object to | আপত্তি করা | He objects to having to go so many parties. |
Obliged to | বাধিত থাকা | I am obliged to you for your help. |
Oblivious of | অসচেতন | She was oblivious of her surroundings. |
Observant of | তীক্ষ্ন দৃষ্টি সম্পন্ন | The novelist is observant of public feeling. |
On TV | টেলিভিশনে | We watch football matches on TV. |
P | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Part from | বিদায় জানানো , say good bye | He parted from his friends in tears. |
Part with | বিতরণ করা বা সহযোগীসহ চলে যাওয়া | |
Pass something on | কোন কিছু হাতে তুলে দেয়া | |
Pass away | মারা যাওয়া | |
Pass out | অজ্ঞান হওয়া বা জ্ঞান হারানো | |
Pass over | উপেক্ষা করা | |
Pass by | পাশ দিয়ে যাওয়া | He passed by but did not notice me. |
Pay for | পরিশোধ করা | The customer gets what he pays for. |
Penalty for | শাস্তি | He has paid the penalty for his crimes with five years in prison. |
Pity on | দয়া | God took pity on him. |
Play with | খেলা , মজা করা | I cannot play with cards. |
Pointed out | চিহ্নিত করা | Mistakes should be pointed out in a student's work. |
Popular with | জনপ্রিয় | A man who is popular with his neighbours is supposed to be a good man. |
Poring over | যত্ন সহকারে পড়া বা দেখা | On the night before the exam, she was seen poring over the books. |
Pray for | প্রার্থনা করা | We pray for your success. |
Prefer to | অধিক পছন্দ করা | I prefer working to a deadline. |
Presided over | সভাপতিত্ব করা | The Chairman presided over the meeting. |
Prevail upon | রাজি করানো | I prevailed upon my friend to lend me Tk.5000. |
Prevent from | বিরত রাখা | He prevented me from going there. |
Pride oneself on | গর্ব করা | The girl prides herself on her beauty. |
Proficiency in | দক্ষতা | A prize was awarded to him for proficiency in music. |
Provide with | দেয়া | A bodyguard provides one with protection. |
Q | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Quick at | পটু | Sheela is quick at understanding. |
R | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Reliant on | নির্ভরশীল | Young people less reliant on their parents. |
Remind of | মনে করিয়ে দেওয়া | My wife reminded me of my appointment. |
Render into | অনুবাদ করা | Render the passage into Bengali. |
Repentant for | অনুতপ্ত | You should be repentant for your misdeeds. |
Respect for | শ্রদ্ধা | I have great respect for him. |
Responsible for | কোন কাজ বা ঘটনার জন্য দায়ী বোঝাতে | Every driver must be held responsible for his own actions. |
Responsible to | যখন কেউ তার কাজ নিয়ে অন্য কারো কাছে বা তার ঊর্ধ্বতন কর্মকর্তার কাছে দায়ী থাকে | The Minister is responsible to the PM. |
Retire to | অবসর নেয়া | He has retired to bed. |
Return to | ফিরে আসা | Kajal returned to London by plane from Dhaka. |
Revolt at | আন্দোলন | Human nature revolts at a crime. |
Road to | পথ / উপায় | There is no royal road to learning. |
Rule something out | বাদ দেওয়া; বিবেচনার অযোগ্য বলে ঘোষণা দেয়া | |
Run into | সংঘর্ষ হওয়া বা ধাক্কা লাগা | |
S | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Shout at | চিৎকার করে ডাকা | If people can't hear you, do you shout at them? |
Smile at | হাসা | He was smiling at himself and did not answer my question. |
Solution to | সমাধান | Money is not the solution to every problem. |
Sorry for | দুঃখিত | I don't feel sorry for Rahman. |
Spend something on something | ব্যবহার করে ফুরিয়ে ফেলা বা নিঃশেষ করা | He spent on the entire afternoon the phone. |
Suffer from | অসুখে ভোগা | I have been suffering from fever for the last two days. |
Superior to | বড়, উৎকৃষ্ট | He is superior to me. |
Sympathy for | সহানুভূতী | His sympathy for the poor is praise worthy. |
T | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Test for | রুচি , পছন্দ | She has a taste for good clothes. |
Translated from / into | অনুবাদ করা | Shakespeare's plays have been translated from English into many languages. |
Thirst after | We all thirst after happiness? | |
True to | বিশ্বাসী | A man of character is true to his word. |
W | ||
appropriate preposition | bengali Meaning | example |
Walk up | প্রত্যয়ের সাথে এগিয়ে যাওয়া | Please walk up the stairs. |
Wander about | ঘুরে বেড়ানো | The boy wanders about in the streets. |
Yield to | বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা | We should not yield to any pressure. |